Laurie has been listening carefully to her guides and who she channels for Predictions Week.
Laurie’s higher self came through first: 2023 will bring all to move into their hearts and open to love, and many, many, more can now fully awake. There will be a deeper emergence of beauty, and a profound sense of oneness will emerge from where we have been. Since 2017, warring and fear was dominant, and it is now completing.
This is a year we can dare to do the things we only dreamed of. Those that have been honorable and in integrity in recent years will be supported and receive accolades. Those who have been in corruption, unkind, and lacking integrity will not enjoy what they have sown, and the unpleasantness of what they will now reap this year will be more front and center. We have entered a time where we experience what we have created.
2023 will bring prosperity and pride in work well done. Yet, you must be very clear with what you want. And follow through with integrity and perseverance.
This is a time to focus on your own well-being.
2023 will be a time of deep introspection, associated with the path of ancient mysticisms allowing you to know your soul's mission even more. More people will choose the awakening of their souls.
This is a time to get in touch with your emotions and trust your intuition, naturally opening your partnership with your soul. Making conscious decisions now for conscious creation. It does take commitment to choose this. It is a brave undertaking to do this daily.
Petty fights start to diminish. The winter solstice 2022 started a new cycle. Establishing and time to create a foundation of deep self-love and freedom. The collective is the new power. Patriarchy is dissolving and the old status quo is over.
Master Cat Puddah came through next (delivering a new life map):
2023 will be the year of the mystic. This is a 7-year, an ascension year, meaning dimensional change. This is the beginning of the end of cruelty, with the divine feminine now grounded in. This will bring the opening of hearts and compassion, and the release of fear.
These energies support a time of wisdom and new opportunities. Honoring diversity and commonalities.
There is an opportunity to rediscover the inner mysteries and the light within. It’s time to remove yourself from hardship, pain, and negativity, and now live in the light and connect to your higher self.
2022 was a builder year, creating a new foundation… which is now in place. It’s time to take flight from this platform to the higher energies, while balancing the unity vibration in our bodies and life.
Do NOT fear the changes!
New scientific discoveries and new infrastructures within society will be formed. Transformation and transcendence are the operative words for 2023.
January 21’s new moon is a great time to launch your new intentions… Aquarian portal is opening on that day. Use the 1st three weeks of January to heal and to be free to embrace the new portal energy.
January is a powerful month to release the misaligned. We no longer need to be freed, saved, or fixed… this is liberation from the control of others. Live your life in freedom as spirit in form. No one but you can hurt you when you are in these energies… therefore you will stop creating harmful interactions.
This is also a time of liberation of all core values. You are greater than any thought you have created. Your mind may not be comfortable with this freedom. It has been feeling falsely safe within the fear and control. Now tap into your “spirit self” and connect to the heart. Retrain your mind to work in harmony with the heart; finding trust and love will prevail in thought, word, and deed.
Notice and ask yourself daily: “Am I allowing myself to be free in all ways?”
Pause and move into your heart before you speak, “Am I fully speaking my soul intention in compassion?”
Are you expressing heartfelt gratitude for your blessing daily? Knowing that even the darkness you have created for the transformation, it is delivered.
And then the cetacean “elders,” whales and dolphins, came through.
The whales are the elders and have been here longer than anyone else, our quantum ancient cousins. Offering galactic stewardship to the planet and humanity. Keeper of the Akashic record encoded in the oceans of the earth.
Ask for an upgrade in the personal recalibration of our DNA. You must ask for this (they can’t help without it).
Move into your memories and remember your first soul plan with the incarnations stored in your DNA… and can now be recalibrated.
In 2023, all is becoming faster, including manifestation… this is a great shift of the ages. You are becoming more as a conscious creator integrating the new energies.
Old competition and a sense of being unworthy can be released. As we move up vibrationally, we find harmony, love, bliss, and joy. Choose to experience this transition in this very session with the dolphin's help.
Take time to find the moment of neutrality no matter what shows up in your life.
In 2023 there is a new Global operating system of light offering a rebirth… many will remember who they are beyond their human form.
Negative energy will become more and more intolerable, and those stuck and blocked will be nudged until they move.
Ask; “If I were living the life of my dreams, what would that be like, who would I be living with, what would I be doing?” You are living in a world of unlimited potentiality. Move your energy regularly into visualization. Open your hearts and belief systems to more than what you want.
Choose to NOT be overwhelmed. The name of the game is: Observation vs. Judgment. The lower self becomes overwhelmed by change; the higher self is unmoved. Changes are part of the universe and are here to support you. Your soul chooses this, and you can use the support here to find neutrality in these changes.
The actual sounds of the whales and dolphins were played to support the healing of the body. And the whales then recalibrated us (pretty cool).
The sessions work was profound and our pets brought through the following messages:
-- Simplify creating flow in thoughts, words, deeds, and activities.
-- There are no predators or victims; there is only conscious and unconscious choices. Everything is in its right place. At any time, you can choose something different. Claiming: “I’m making peace with where I am right now.”
-- Prosperity challenges: Every time I say the word “fear,” it is the opposite of love; start noticing the fear in all areas of your life. Fear is a lack of self-love and worthiness… There is conscious creation and unconscious creation. Truth is that we are powerful beyond imagination.
-- You cannot love God/source/Divinity more than you love yourself. It’s time to love yourself. Leave the mind behind and have the heart guide your life. The mind is like a computer; it is not the decision maker… the heart is where the solutions come from. From the heart, the universe will bring out the solution every time.
-- Solution energy is not difficult.
WOW remarkable session!