REVEALED: THE Secret to Money Manifesting (That Works)

A Prediction Week Special Offer

It is so easy to go into a nervous panic when there's more month and no money! 

We have all been there. 

If you are ready to turn around old ways of relating to money, then this is for you...
If you need to focus your energy and clear anything in the way of your receiving money, this fun, short and fast paced meditation collection will get your chakras activated fast. 
7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money
If money feels like a leaky faucet, or a clogged pipe and it is holding you back from:

-- moving in the right direction on an exciting project, 
-- learning a specific spiritual system to attract money
-- affording that dream vacation your family, parents or friends deserve...

Tori’s 7-day Chakra meditations to Attract Money series is ALL you need to turn on the faucet and remove the clog or anything else in your way.
Tori Hartman is a world-renowned psychic, author, oracle reader, and spiritual teacher. 

Her remarkable abilities are celebrated and put people in new states of being and possibilities.

She is the only psychic ever interviewed by The New York Times and L.A. Business Journal for her work in business and conscious expansion. 

As the author of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck (pub June 2014 via Watkins Publishing UK), Tori continues to promote what has always been the key to her success...

The spiritual empowerment, healing, and education of people. 
 I loved the meditations! Will definitely continue using them. Starting and ending the day with the short meditation is a lovely routine. Also, I have to tell you that on the first day of doing the course, I received an unexpected $500 gift card that I had won in a competition I had forgotten about! Thank you for helping me shift my focus and helping me open up to the abundance of the Universe." ~ Airi

Everything YOU Need to Attract Money with Ease is Already Inside You! 
Get your Chakra activated to attract Money now!
These incredible 7 Chakra Meditations will pay for themselves within short order. And they can be used over and over again layering the healing. 
That's all worth well over $350... 
yet you pay pennies on the dollar!
Everything YOU Need to Attract Money with Ease is Already Inside You! 
Get your Chakra activated to attract Money now!
These incredible 7 Chakra Meditations will pay for themselves within short order. And they can be used over and over again layering the healing. 
That's all worth well over $350... 
yet you pay pennies on the dollar!

Members of Masterworks Healing You'll Receive:
  • Recordings of all 7 meditations... to listen to whenever and wherever you want. NOTE: They are all short enough to do daily.
  • ​ A Daily Reminder Email.. receive each new meditation and a few tips and tricks from Tori.
  • Two extra bonus meditations... these are exclusive to "Insider passes" and include "Bedtime Intention: Attracting Money As I Sleep" AND "Morning Meditation: Set an Intention for the Day."
  • ​​​Receive Tori's #1 Meditation... When you finish, on day 7, you will automatically receive: Attracting New Clients. WOW!
  •  Yours for only $49

Here are your details...

Open Your Energy to Receive...

With the 1st Chakra

The Foundation

Tori will guide you to step into Your Root energy so you can become aware of and clear the blocks to manifesting money. This simple technique will show you the secret to create the necessary foundation so you can open-up your ability to attract money.

With the 2nd Chakra

Increase Your Money Capacity:

Open your emotional channel of joy. Learn how much joy you can experience and share when you make money with your best friend. When you clear space, you also emotionally expand your capacity to enjoy the money. And, like any fun relationship, you must create space in your life for it.

With the 3rd Chakra

Gain Permission to Be Wealthy

In this meditation, we will summon permission from the universe to step into wealth. Many people unconsciously move away from money, to shift old ideas around money, you must give yourself permission to do this. You will know how to grant yourself permission to enjoy wealth and allow yourself this gift.

With the 4th Chakra

Awaken Your Inner Money Magnet

The alignment with loving oneself is key here. We will step into the complete state of loving alignment and create the vessel for love. Step into the heart radiance necessary to attract and sustain financial appreciation. You will then have access to your inner money magnet. This meditation will prepare you for it!

With the 5th Chakra

Invite Money into Your Life

You are ready. Your foundation is set. There is an energetic switch that can now be turned on, so that money will flow in. Learn how and what meditative signal will invite money in and entice it to stay!

With the 6th Chakra

Attract Money from Unexpected Sources

When the money key is inserted into your sixth sense, the universal permission is turned on. This meditation will align with your ancestors and create an alliance with them so that you can enjoy the hidden (until now) legacy of wealth that has been left for you.

With the 7th Chakra

Summon Money to Come to You Effortlessly

Activate your money switch and you will witness money flowing in and being as effortless as turning on your porchlight. In this meditation, you will intuitively know why all the previous meditations were necessary and discover the true power of using all 7 meditations.

More Testimonials:

“I listened to the first 3 meditations. Today I already witnessed a miracle, I am invited to speak on an international lifestream about my experiences with the wand.”  ~ Claudine

"Thank you very much, I love the meditations. 2023 will be my year, I can feel it ;-) I am loving this program very much" ~ Cathay Nesbit

"I have enjoyed the format and content so much. Ha ha or my subconscious did. Things are shifting and moving so fun! and I love the mention of FUN. It's my operating principle."
Thank you Tori!

"A powerful experience, and I will likely do it all over now and then to manifest this energy even more. Excited to see the ever increased flow of Abundance in every way pouring into my life. The more I have the more I can share. Thank you ! and so it is!" ~ Elisabeth

"These meditations are transforming me! 🙏🏻💜 Thank you!  With gratitude" ~  Nancy Orlando, MLD 😊

"I just loved loved loved it I do the morning and night each day and will continue to do so I am going to go threw the course again next week so much to learn from this second time around should be amazing I feel so blessed you have come into my life can't
wait to see all I can magnetize into my life." ~ Susan M.

"After doing the first chakra meditation I went to pay a bill on the internet and found a deposit of $25,000 in my bank account from the taxation department! I had no idea why and the following day my accountant emailed me to advise the money was from an old superannuation account from 25 years ago. Thank you Tori. I love these chakra meditations. Thank you bring me more! "~ Jayne Major

"I feel a lot stronger from the inside and more relaxed. We'll see how the dollars will come in!!!" ~ Nadya Tytian

"It was great and I enjoyed it! I'm expecting money to flow in now! Thank you."  ~ Tracy Coke

"I really enjoyed the 7 day chakra meditations. I listen to them daily. I want to expand my energy and manifest more money in my life. Thank you so much".Cory

"These are wonderful meditations and enjoyed being with them. There has been no money as a result of them as of yet but I feel more connected to my chakras and a connection to the flow." ~ J

"I found them great to do and also of an easy length to fit a busy day. way through, I had a client ask me to see someone else and paid for them upfront; so unexpected and yet in line with medications. More importantly, how to continue? Repeat the series, do Align and Manifest medication daily or weekly. Also best use of AM and PM medications Any further practices of benefit." ~ Christopher

"They are very powerful. I am doing them for a second week in a row. I found out last week that my job will end in 2 1/2 months. I feel like the timing of these chakra meditations are divinely timed to help me circumvent my fears and manifest new opportunities. I feel the energy of each meditation and quickly go into an altered state. They are simply yet so powerful. thank you!!!" ~ Louise Cadrin

"Thank you for this 7-day Chakra meditation. It felt very soothing and enlightening. I will certainly be repeating this to deeply anchor in this new connection. Feeling awesome, I look forward to receiving the “Attracting new clients” meditation." ~ Cathy Knuchel

"I felt shifted a great deal after 6...more expansive. I felt a difference after the first root chakra. While going along the process, I learned to let go of listening with the mental mind and follow my body, feeling the energy move through it. I still feel a tension between Solar Plexus and Heart chakra...when thinking about what money I need to pay expenses. Hopefully, a free card reading session will help if you get your sight up. I will go through the 7 meditations again, and see what happens next! Thank you very much for your time!" ~ Regina Arceo

"Amazing! This was exactly what I needed. I feel so much better and much less stressed about where my next meal will come from. I am finding blessings in each day." ~ Lisa

"Powerful. I feel waves of change have happened. Buy yet gentle." ~ Muna
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You Will Be Forever Grateful for This Moment

Your 7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money Package:
  • Recordings of all 7 meditations... to listen to whenever and wherever you want. NOTE: They are all short enough to do daily.
  • ​ A Daily Reminder Email.. receive each new meditation and a few tips and tricks from Tori.
  • Two extra bonus meditations... these are exclusive to "Insider passes" and include "Bedtime Intention: Attracting Money As I Sleep" AND "Morning Meditation: Set an Intention for the Day."
  • ​​​Receive Tori's #1 Meditation... When you finish, on day 7, you will automatically receive: Attracting New Clients. WOW!
  • Early Action Discount... ​Remember, if you purchase the 7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money NPW you’ll get the special rate of $49. 

Retail $127!

Yours For Only...


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With Love,


P.S. And if you’re anything like us, then you’ll appreciate Tori’s short yet experiential meditations, which not only activate your chakra but offer you the ability to use your intuitive skills.

© 2007-2023 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Jennifer McLean,  McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660  Customer Support: 847-386-1464  I

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The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.